Monday, November 16, 2009

Seriously? This blogger name is still open??

Well alrighty then. I'm going for it.

I don't really have anything to say; we were on our way out the door and actually now both of my children have shed their clothing and are wearing ridiculous costumes. I'm tempted to take the tap-dancing princess and the upside-down prince (he has a puppet attached by ace bandage to his waist, upside down, as his "head". he is wearing shoes on his hands and gloves on his feet. the prince caspian costume is only a part of this ensemble because he can cover his real face with the chainmail) to Trader Joes.

UGH! While I'm typing, the tap-dancing princess has produced a pizza and several prizes, and the upside-down prince has experimented with different shoes, and suddenly our 45 minute tidy party was all for naught. STOPPPPPPP the madness.

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